Top 5 Reasons to Invest in a Blast Freezer

Blast freezers are a fantastic investment for businesses.

From fishmongers to corporate caterers, these unique, rapid freezing units can bring about lots of positive change, both for developing companies and established big businesses alike.

So what are the top 5 reasons to invest in a blast freezer for your business?

Fast freezing

Possibly the biggest and most important reason to invest in a blast freezer is thanks to its main function - rapid freezing. The whole idea behind a blast freezer is that you can safely and rapidly cool, chill and freeze tonnes of produce in a matter of hours. This type of freezing can’t be achieved any other way, which is why blast freezers are so vital to businesses who deal with large amounts of produce every day.

Product expansion

Another fantastic benefit of blast freezing is that it can help you to expand the range of products you serve or distribute. Rapid, long term freezing means that produce lasts much longer, giving you time and space to add more products to your repertoire. With lots of produce able to be frozen months in advance, you no longer need to worry about heavy wastage. Blast Freezers also come in a range of sizes. So whether you’re a small business or a large one, you can expand at a rate that suits you and bring all your products in house.

Better quality goods

The rapid rate at which a blast freezer can chill food means that ice crystal formation is kept to a minimum. These crystals are a food distributor or caterer’s worst enemy as they damage the taste, texture and appearance of food which can lead to wastage if produce isn’t fit for sale. Instead, only ‘micro’ ice crystals are formed when using a blast freezing unit, which leads to a higher quality product overall.

Improvement on wastage

Blast freezers not only offer longer term, deep-freezing, they also come equipped with state of the art temperature controls and monitoring. This ensures you eliminate temperature fluctuations that often come with domestic freezing units and have the ability to closely track daily temperature, so if problems do arise, you can take action quickly and effectively. All of this leads to less wastage and in turn, improved profitability.

Brand improvement

Finally, investing in a blast freezer can be incredibly beneficial for your brand and company image. Producing or distributing highly quality fish, meat and poultry or nutrient-rich catered meals can only reflect positively on your business. If you want to be known for serving the freshest, highest quality frozen produce in your area, then a commercial blast freezer is a sensible investment.

Whatever your reasons for considering a blast freezer, CRS Ireland stock a variety of high quality units suitable for any business working in the food sector and beyond.

To find out more about our blast freezing storage and how it could benefit you, talk to one of our knowledgeable team members today, or complete our enquiry form and we'll get back to you.

Thursday 14th March 2019

Published by: CRS Cold Storage
